There are lots of ways you can get involved to help us raise funds. As an independently funded local charity, we are very grateful for your support.

We need your help!
We are totally reliant on money from local authorities, business, charitable trusts and individuals. Each year we need to raise many £1,000s to bridge the gap between our local authority and the full costs of running our Advice Centres in Reigate & Banstead.
Your support is vital to assuring the future of your Citizens Advice local service.
See how you can get involved below – support our fundraising events, become a fundraiser, make a donation, be a corporate sponsor, or leave us a gift in your will.
Your own challenge or event
Why not set yourself a fundraising challenge, such as running a marathon in a month, or hold a fundraising event, like a quiz or talent contest?
Once you’ve got your idea, simply create an online fundraising page then ask your friends and family to sponsor you or take part too.
And please let us know, we’d love to hear from you!
Make a donation
Donations online are coming! We are working to set this up, please check back again soon.
In the meantime, you can still send a cheque to Finance Officer, The Horseshoe Community Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ (please include your contact details so we can thank you).
We can also collect Gift Aid on your donations (where applicable).
Leave a gift in your will
Gifts left to charities in Wills – usually known as legacies – don’t need to be large, and they don’t prevent you from taking care of your family and loved ones. In fact, a legacy to a charity can ease the burden of Inheritance Tax.
For more information about making a will, go to the website Remember a charity in your will. We recommend speaking to a local solicitor or will writer if you’re considering making or updating a will.
If you would like to leave a legacy in your Will, you will need to provide your solicitor with our name, registered address, and charity registration number so they can write the necessary clause, reflecting your wishes in your will.
Name: Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead
Charity registration number: 1104970
Registered office: Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead, The Horseshoe Community Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ